【中英翻譯】The Key to Relaxation 享受放鬆的關鍵

The Key to Relaxation 享受放鬆的關鍵

When many of us have some time to relax, we distract ourselves—turning our attention to social media, YouTube, Netflix, and other things in the digital world. In the moment, these things feel like a reprieve from the stressors of daily life. But the truth is that tending to them in our downtime may hurt more than help.

我們很多人花時間放鬆,我們讓自己分心 — 將注意力放到社群媒體、Youtube、Netflix或者其它數位世界的事情。在當下,這些事情看起來讓我們從日常生活中暫時獲得抒壓,但實際上,這些看起來讓我們停機的時間,對我們的傷害反而更大

So what should we do to relax? The key is to do things that actually make your mind less stimulated.


Each time we pay attention to something new and novel in our digital world, our brain rewards us with a hit of dopamine, a pleasure and reward chemical. We get a hit each time we refresh YouTube. We get another hit each time we check news websites like CNN and the New York Times. We get yet another hit when we refresh Instagram.

每次我們關注在數位世界中的新奇的事物,我們大腦會用一點多巴胺做為回饋,多巴胺是讓人感到快樂,作為獎勵的化學物質,我們每次在網路上的點擊,我們看到的新聞CNN和紐約時報。當我們更新 IG,我們會做下次的點擊

This dopamine release feels good in the moment. But it can also lead our mind to become overstimulated when we turn to our digital devices too often.


If you want to relax and recharge during your breaks, it’s essential that you try to settle your mind, by engaging with activities that don’t lead to a quick dopamine release. Digital distractions feel like a break, because they’re different from our work, but they don’t allow our mind to actually settle. Analog activities, on the other hand, do settle our mind. They stimulate us, without overstimulating us.



Active activities can include things like(主動活動包含如下):
  • Going for a run;慢跑
  • Attending a yoga class;參加瑜珈課程
  • Practicing an instrument;練習樂器
  • Hitting the gym, or playing a sport;去健身房或做運動
  • Playing with your kids;跟小孩子玩
  • Spending time on your favorite art—writing, painting, or writing poetry. 享受你最愛的藝術活動 — 寫作、畫畫或者寫詩

Passive tasks include things like(被動的任務包含如下):
  • Doing a guided meditation, or solo meditation;做引導靜坐或者獨自靜坐
  • Reading;閱讀
  • Doing a gentle yoga video (here’s my favorite yoga channel on YouTube);做輕柔式的瑜珈(作者推薦的瑜珈頻道:https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
  • Listening to an audiobook with a cup of coffee—while putting your phone on airplane mode. 聽有聲書配上一杯咖啡 — 記得將你的手機啟動「飛航模式」

A settled mind is a productive mind. The more relaxed your mind, the more recharged you feel, the greater mental clarity you have, and the more ideas and plans you generate. 



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